All solutions levels 0 to 5 are valid solutions.
Solutions that use operators or functions outside of the ones listed above will be considered "semi-valid" and will have a complexity level of 6. For example:
$$69 = \phi(\Gamma(\Gamma({\color{red44}4})) + {\color{green44}4}) + {\color{blue44}4} / .\overline{{\color{purple44}4}}$$
would have a complexity level of 6 because \(\phi\) (Euler's totient function) is not an operator listed above.
Similarly, solutions that use the existing operators in a way that is disallowed, such as decimalizing expressions, will also fall under this category. For example:
$$69 = (\Gamma(\Gamma({\color{red44}4})) - \Gamma({\color{green44}4}) + \Gamma(\sqrt{{\color{blue44}4}})) \times .(\Gamma({\color{purple44}4}))$$
would have a complexity level of 6 because an expression is decimalized (Specifically \(.(\Gamma(4)) = .6\)).
Banned Operators
These following operators are explicitly banned and cannot be used in any solution valid or semi-valid:
Log Functions
Includes \(log_{y}(x)\) and \(ln(x)\)
These are banned because there are many ways to break the challenge using the function. For example:
$$x = log_{\sqrt{4}/4}(log_{4}(\sqrt{\sqrt{...\sqrt{4}}}))$$
can get any number \(x\), by adding \(x\) amount of nested square roots on the last 4.
A more detailed explanation can be found
Trig Functions
Includes \(sin(x)\), \(cos(x)\), \(tan(x)\), \(sec(x)\), \(csc(x)\), \(cot(x)\) and their respective inverses
(Credit to Jim Millar) These are banned because all numbers above 4 can be created with a single 4 using this equation:
$$x = sec(atan(...(sec(atan(4)))))$$
To get any number \(x\), you can make \(x^{2} - 16\) amount of nested secants and inverse tans on the 4.
A more detailed explanation can be found
Increment and Decrement Operators
Includes \(++\) and \(--\)
These are banned because all numbers can be created with a single 4 using these operators:
$$x = 4++...++$$
$$x = 4--...--$$
Numeric Constants
Includes \(\pi\), \(e\) and more
These are banned because they are representative of another number that isn't 4.
If you found a mistake or have a solution you want to submit that meets one of these requirements:
- The number currently does not have a solution.
- Your solution's complexity level for a number is lower than the current solution's.
- Your solution's complexity level for a number is the same than the current solution's and it uses less operators.
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Also contact me if you have any general inquiries about this website and I hope to answer the best I can!